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Bridgewater Divorce Lawyers Discuss Reasons to Leave a Marriage

Although every marriage has its own issues, researchers have pinpointed the three most commonly-cited reasons for divorce: abuse, addiction, and affairs. Although many problems can plague a marriage, these specific problems are often very difficult to move past.

In New Jersey, you have the option to file for a fault divorce or a no-fault divorce. With a no-fault divorce, you must have lived apart from your spouse for 12 consecutive months and have no chance of reconciling your differences. For a fault divorce, a spouse may cite some of the below issues. 


Abuse, also known as domestic violence, is the infliction of physical, sexual, or emotional harm on one’s partner in an attempt to maintain control over them. There may also be a financial component to abuse, such as prohibiting a partner from holding a job or tracking his or her purchases closely and becoming abusive when an unauthorized purchase is discovered.

Often, abuse leaves permanent physical and emotional scars on a victim. But some individuals are able to overcome their abusive tendencies through therapy. If you recognize that you are in an abusive relationship, attempt to speak with a mental healthcare professional. If the abuse continues, remove yourself from the harmful environment and seek counsel.


Addiction can make an individual and his or her spouse feel hopeless. Sometimes, an individual can overcome an addiction through therapy and rehabilitation. But in order to do this, the individual has to want to overcome the addiction. When an addict has no intention of seeking help, his or her spouse may feel hopeless.

Sometimes, it is healthiest for the spouse of an addict to leave the marriage. Addiction affects all members of a family and can have long-lasting physical and emotional effects on a spouse and on an addict’s children, especially when an addiction leads to abuse or neglect.


Extramarital affairs, like addiction, can be worked through if the offending partner truly wants to change. If the unfaithful spouse has no intention of ending his or her affair, or if his or her spouse has no interest in reconciling, the marriage may be over. 

Franklin Divorce Lawyers at the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC Represent Divorcing Couples

If you are considering filing for divorce in New Jersey, contact our Franklin divorce lawyers who can represent your case and advocate for you. Complete our online form or call 732-633-2224 to schedule your consultation with the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC at our Somerset offices.

We represent clients throughout New Jersey including Somerset County, Middlesex County, Union County and including but not limited to the towns of Somerset, Franklin, Bridgewater, New Brunswick, East Brunswick, Plainfield, Edison, Metuchen, Woodbridge, Piscataway, Old Bridge, Rahway, Linden, Elizabeth, Cranford, Summit, Union, Clark, Elizabeth, Berkeley Heights, and Scotch Plains.


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