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Bridgewater Divorce Lawyers: “Gray Divorce” Affects Millennials as Parents Split

The Baby Boomer generation, known for challenging authority and tradition, is now challenging marriage trends. Historically, the longer a marriage lasted, the more likely it was to endure. But now, according to a study by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green University in Ohio, more and more Baby Boomers are seeking divorce as they age, while divorce for those under the age of 35 has significantly decreased.

Bridgewater divorce lawyers report that the increasing rate of people getting divorced later in life has resulted in the term being coined “gray divorce.” Over the past twenty years, divorce rates have doubled for those over 50 and tripled for those over the age of 60. This can often result in millennial children having to cope with the change in family dynamics that accompanies gray divorce.

Just because adult children of divorce are grown, it does not make it any easier on them. As a result, adult children of divorce may feel that they do not have anyone to talk to about it. They may also feel burdened, because they perceive that the duty to care for their parents lies completely on their shoulders. Also, divorcing couples tend to share more information with their adult children about their situation, creating stress and boundary issues. Adult children can quickly become confidants to their divorcing parents, who often lean on them not only emotionally but also financially.

For Many, Gray Divorce Means Going Back into the Workforce

Adult children may also have to deal with their parent going back into the workforce, or relying on them financially. They can be affected by the possibility of having to take in their senior parents as if they are children. Divorcing seniors may no longer have a social schedule and recreational schedule of their own. According to the National Center for Family and Marriage Research, divorcing men are more often working full-time than women. Women are often only working part-time, or are not in the labor force at all. As a result, adult children should encourage divorcing parents to consult other professionals beyond a lawyer. They may want to consider speaking to an accountant and a counselor as well.

In contrast, millennials as a group are postponing marriage altogether. This may be why there is a sharp decline in the divorce rate for those under 35.

Bridgewater Divorce Lawyers at the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC Assist Older Couples Facing Divorce

If you are facing a divorce in New Jersey after many years of marriage, you will encounter many unique challenges. The experienced Bridgewater divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon are here to help you move forward while protecting your interests. To schedule a consultation, contact us online or call us at 732-633-2224. With offices located in Somerset, New Jersey, we represent clients throughout New Jersey including Somerset County, Middlesex County, Union County and including but not limited to the towns of Somerset, Franklin, Bridgewater, New Brunswick, East Brunswick, Plainfield, Edison, Metuchen, Woodbridge, Piscataway, Old Bridge, Rahway, Linden, Elizabeth, Cranford, Summit, Union, Clark, Elizabeth, Berkeley Heights, and Scotch Plains.


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