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How Can I Support My Case for Child Relocation?

The state of New Jersey itself may be filled with memories of your marriage that sadly did not work out. With this, you may feel the urge to move to a different state and start anew. However, packing up and moving in one fell swoop may be nearly impossible if you share custody of your child with your former spouse. That is, you may have an existing child custody arrangement that you must honor above all else. With that being said, please follow along to find out how to best support your case for relocation with your child in front of the court and how one of the proficient Somerset County child relocation lawyers at the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC can fight alongside you for this approval.

How can I support my case for relocation with my child?

First of all, you must bring forward a formal relocation petition to the New Jersey family court that handled your original divorce and child custody case.

With this petition, you must establish an argument that relocating your child out of state would work in their best interests. You must be prepared for your former spouse to debate that this would threaten your child’s well-being.

Overall, the court may consider the following factors before landing on a final decision:

What happens if the court does not approve my petition?

If the New Jersey family court denies your relocation petition, you may have an opportunity to appeal it. However, this decision will rarely be overturned, as the court is usually trusted to know and base rulings on a child’s best interest.

On the other hand, you may proceed forward with your move out of state after filing and settling a post-judgment modification for your existing child custody arrangement.

With this, though, your arrangement may be modified in a way that makes you the noncustodial parent and your former spouse the custodial parent. This is all to say that you must be very prepared for this and the impact in may leave on your and your child’s relationship.

There is no need to remain hesitant when you have one of the Somerset County family lawyers on your side and supporting you. So please inquire with us at the Law Offices of Kisha M. Hebbon, LLC at your earliest possible opportunity.

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